who is lily?

Lily Alssen works as a photography-based artist, currently in Germany. Her practice revolves around photography and is influenced by and at times combined with other media such as drawing, typography, graphic design, and crafts. In her work, she juxtaposes a minimalistic and easily accessible aesthetic with complex, often psychological, and sociological topics and unanswered questions about perception and reality. Challenging the general opinion that we live in a superficial world and by using technology that can only capture what takes place in front of my lens, she seeks to think about the invisible and what lies beneath the surface.

Her interest in creative techniques and conceptual thinking led her to numerous courses, workshops, and further training in a wide variety of creative areas and a Bachelor of Communication Design (Honours) in Germany and Ireland, which she completed with her work on the subject of forgetting. She finalized her Master of Photography at RMIT in Melbourne at the end of 2021.

For over a decade she worked as a photo art director in Germany and Australia, as well as a freelance photographer. She has participated in group exhibitions in Australia, Germany, and Lithuania and published several photo books, as you can see below. Her work as an art director has been circulated countless times around the world.


In case you would like to get in touch, you are very welcome to say hi.


S O L O   E X H I B I T I O N

2023 Infinity Mirror and Infinity Mirror [B Side]. kmkb. Munich, Germany


F O L I O   P R E S E N T A T I O N S

2021 Infinity Mirror [pt2]. RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia

2021 Infinity Mirror [pt1]. RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia

2020 Soliloquy. Online. RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia

2020 ISO-SPECTIVE. Online. RMIT University. Melbourne, Australia


G R O U P   E X H I B I T I O N S   ( S E L E C T I O N )

2024 Creative Weekend. Ilmazu. Munich, Germany

2024 zwischenspiel/interlude. Townhall Markt Schwaben. Markt Schwaben, Germany

2023 Projection Night. Nida International Photography Symposium. Nida, Lithuania

2023 Canberra Contemporary Photographic Prize. PhotoAccess. Canberra, Australia

2022 Without Walls. Online. Queen Victoria Women’s Centre. Melbourne, Australia

2021 2021 Emerging Artists Exhibition. Emerging Artists Collective. Melbourne, Australia

2020 2020 ILFORD CCP Salon. Center for Contemporary Photography and online. Melbourne, Australia

2019 2019 ILFORD CCP Salon. Center for Contemporary Photography. Melbourne, Australia

2015 Micro Vernissage. Private Gallery. Munich, Germany



2018 @ MAISON MISCH MASCH. A booklet with photographs capturing a stay in a designer’s apartment.

2018 SOMEWHERE BETWEEN NOW AND THEN. A booklet with a loose selection of photographs, independent of time and place.

2013 31°N · 8°W. A booklet with travel photographs from a trip to Morocco.

2011 41°24’N · 2°10’E – pic(k)s of the day. A book with photographs taken each day on a two-month stay in Barcelona, Spain.

2006 Don’t Forget You Will Forget. A Collection of photographic and typographic works on the topic of Forgetting.

2005 The Gambia. A hand-made book with travel photographs taken on a trip to the Gambia.


C O N T R I B U T I O N   I N   A   P U B L I C A T I O N

2012 The BMW Book. NY: teNeues. New York, USA


O T H E R   P U B L I C A T I O N S   ( S E L E C T I O N )

2023 Lily Alssen – Kunst im Schaufenster (Lily Alssen – Art in the Window). Article. kmkb. Munich, Germany

2021 Nachdenken über das Unsichtbare (Reflecting on the Invisible). Artist portrait. Ebersberger Zeitung. Ebersberg, Deutschland