Just by chance, as no one else showed up to class, Bronek and I talked about my project and he gave me detailed feedback.
Bronek likes the b/w image of the tree but doesn’t necessarily care for it on the wall picture. I like especially the wall image but I’m trying to not be too precious and monumental with these photos. Therefore, I’m trying to find ways to break the strict layout up a bit.
This image is a bit unclear and I might through it out anyway.
Bronek suggested to increase the structure a little (which I already did but possibly not enough – I don't want this image to be dramatic). And it reminded him of the Tasman painter Michaye Boulter.
Also here, Bronek suggested to increase the highlights on the ribbon slightly. So that the eye actually looks at the ribbon. Right now the eyes wonder too much between ribbon and hand.
Bronek is not the biggest fan of this image. I should retouch the number plate. And either not use it or at least not next to the bum bag image.