On a separate website, reading out the statement while showing the images.
First question is, what brings the pictures together. Initially, seems like a collage, drawing on different aspects of every day with a nice attention to detail. Apart from the first image, frame seems to be spacial poetics (beyond architectural).
Improvement ideas:
· don’t quote Wikiquote (it’s not scholarly), just use the words.
· denser academic level is missing, more depth by reading
· Rebecca Solnit Wanderlust (how does walking operate and apply that to my image process; walking informs the way we look)
· Walter Benjamin Arcades Project
> observing society, how society changes from the passage of walking
>> cultural shift that happens when walking along a street/neighborhood (like north to south)
· Uta Barth: light that comes through the window (contained in a space = not walking)
>> learn to unpack how to look at the world in a deeper, richer context
> instead of only compositions
>> possibly from two different boundaries: one by walking, the other in just one space (one room)
>> Hoda Afshar: looks at culture at a very deep, complex level, yet makes poetic, beautiful images that are about observation of cultures and different spaces
· not only reading text but also bring hard reading to the images.