Portfolio reviews as part of the Ballarat Foto Biennale.
- Overall series: Understands that I say the project is based on fashion photography but does not stick to the genre. It does not look like a magazine shoot, which is good.
- Michelle's photographs: Light in Michelle's photographs is amazing, it is caught by the fabric of the dress, and part of the face > storytelling is happening.
- Michelle's photographs: Edges of the clothes are not finalized, which can be seen in the detail shot > again telling a story (unraveling happening, unfinished).
- Matt's photographs: Matt's series is very different from Michelle's. Mood, lighting. Takes the viewer to a whole different place. Introspection. In spite of the movement but stillness in the movement. The subject is trying to spend time within himself, trying to fall into the depth of his thoughts.
- Matt's photographs: In a conventional series, the treatment would be the same (no mix of black and white and color images. But the warm, colorful image is good in the series of black and white pictures. Treatment of light and shadow works well.
- Matt's photographs: The first image is especially great, the movement and the stillness.
- Nikola's stand-ins: It feels already done. We are affected by the virus. Keep the series open-ended. Or him wearing/dwelling the clothes (maybe for the amount of time it took me to make the other photoshoots). This could be a conceptual work. And take pictures of the clothes. The model is not accessible. Something we couldn't think of 2 years ago. Don't be reactive; refuse to jump on the wagon of FaceTime shoots but slow it down. Do it in a different way.
- When writing: It won't be relevant to complete the shoot once the lockdown is over. The way I do it now is the way it's is meant to be. Making declarations and signposting it: »This is how I have decided to do it … because I have made this decision, this is how I am reacting to it, instead of doing …« Take assessor through the decision-making journey.
- Find references to other artists that did not follow the norms in how to complete a work.
- Festival in a Box in the UK > potential for publication; an alternative way of how people can engage with the work. The work calls for another life outside of being hung on a wall.