I started an Instagram feed to be able to view and show the project. It will be work in process and adapt however it works best.

In the meantime Jas already took a first picture.

I'm still waiting for my ordered copy of Harari's 21 Lessons. I have the German audiobook to get me started but so far I'm only listening, walking and taking pictures in the neighborhood.
2nd approach a bit more focussed on Jas' photograph. He told me he celebrated Eid ul-Adha, a religious festival. He and his family bought 2 cows, sacrificed them and gave 2/3 to poor and needy people.
Giving this the overall theme Religion, I show what religion is for me or parts of the western world. Hardly anyone is an active christian anymore and crosses often become rather a fashion statement than a religious symbol.

My final selection and combination to the topic Religion:

I read Daniel Palmer's article. He critiques that the dialogue usually happens on the formal level, not on a content level. I would like to try to have a dialogue on a content level but I also think it's a lot more challenging. Replying to Jas' image with a formally similar image would have been very easy. It will be interesting if it's possible to have a dialogue about topics which engages with the audience.
The street pics all have interesting bits and pieces but there is no significant dialogue happening.
The 1st religion pic is aesthetically pleasing, neutral, simple and elegant. Interesting are also the ones where the cross forms a shadow on the skin, but the pictures themselves are less elegant. Is there a cross critique?
Jas' image also speaks about belief, generosity and goodwill. My image speaks only about the state of diminished christianity in Australia. Cross as a fashion accessory (not belief).
SPEAKING CRITICALLY: Possibility of a photo book or essay. Complex theme or one topic and show a sequence of images.
And be critical of something.